other Hobby's
Antennas + Rig


1982 West-Germany Championchip.. 3rd Place


Since more than 30 years I am very activ in Body-Building.

End of the 70's and 3 years of the 80's I take part of many Champion-

chips with good results.

In my first Gym (1977) in Essen I trained many years together with

Ralf Möller. Ralf won 1985 the Mr.Universe Championchip and go a

few years later to USA where he get an Hollywood Actor (Gladiator)

and a good Friend of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

1983 ends my Contest career, because I injures my Schoulder so stong

that I have problems by training to the present days......

Anyway , I trained 3 times a week for two hours in Peters-Gym in

Oberhausen .....


In the Summertime I often made trips with my wife Monika in our

Ford Escort Cabriolet, which was compleadly modified before nearly

20 years by the great Car-Tuner Karl-Heinz Langenberg

www.khl-tuning.de in Rülzheim.


Every Sunday morning when the weather is fine I drive with friends on

our Motorcycles. In  2004 I bought one of the last  ZX9R from Kawasaki

and have a lot of fun with this " green Devil "........

Since April 2012 I am also a proud Owner of a Kawasaki Z1000 (Z900)

from Januar 1977.This Bike was a Teenage dream and coming now true!!!